06  Jul
We have a Sponsor!

…well kinda.  You might be noticing the “Sponsor” link in the sidebar… well, you might know that this site is part of the JazzyChad Network, but you might not know that one of our sister sites is SecureShirts.com

TwitterMosaic.com was (and still is!) a little project that we started for fun, and it caught on so well that it was decided to use the income from SecureShirts to help with the financial upkeep of this site (hosting and domain costs), and to encourage us to create mosaics more often! They even said we could have a contest or two where we’d give away some shirts as prizes if you guys think that would be a good idea. All that they asked in return was for a link on the side…. hope you don’t mind too much.

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Uncategorized. Date: July 6, 2007, 8:25 pm | Traceback|

One Response

  1. Devilbluedress Says:

    Congrats! It’s an awesome site. Good luck with making it self supporting.

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