First 20 Prints Free at Snapfish Sign-up and get your first roll of film developed for FREE! Plus, your photos are placed online for FREE to share with family & friends.

I can’t wait for the new Indiana Jones movie to come out.  So to honor it (and go along with the running movie poster theme), here is the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull poster:

Original -

Indiana Jones - Original

Mosaic -

Indiana Jones - Mosaic

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: May 3, 2008, 12:22 pm | Traceback| 6 Comments »

18  Jan
Pretzels and Beer

Here is another picture from my journeys across Europe. I am not uploading the original because I want you to guess where this picture was taken. Leave your answer in the comments. Be as specific as possible. It’s probably pretty easy, but hey it’s fun:

Pretzels and Beer Mosaic

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: January 18, 2008, 5:09 pm | Traceback| 4 Comments »

14  Jan
Moulin Rouge

No, not the movie… the actual cabaret theater! I was in Paris in 2004 and snapped this picture at night. I always liked it, so I decided to give the old mosaic machine a whirl. I am amazed at how well the details turned out. From the color gradients, to the letters, to the patterns in the windmill blades, it really looks great. For those wondering about the bottom part of the picture, there was a tour bus driving by when I took the picture. I literally had to stand in the middle of the street to get the shot from this angle. Oh, the memories.

Original photo:

Moulin Rouge

Twitter Mosaic:

Moulin Rouge Mosaic

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: January 14, 2008, 7:59 pm | Traceback| 1 Comment »

Well, it’s been 4 months since the last mosaic. I feel awful about that, but life got busy. Luckily I have a hot and fresh mosaic for you. I am a huge fan of college football, and this year’s championship game between LSU and Ohio State will prove to be an exciting one. So, to that effect, I have created a mosaic from a great image on


BCS Championship Preview

Mosaic (over 1300 unique followers!):

BCS Championship Mosaic

Here’s the list of all followers included in this mosaic:

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: December 3, 2007, 8:00 pm | Traceback| 19 Comments »

Sorry for the long delay. I’ve been working on another Twitter Project called Twitter Groups (more on that in a different post). Anyway, since it’s been so long I’m doing two mosaics this time. I asked for suggestions on the next movie posters to use, and I got a lot of replies of “Silence of the Lambs” and “Transformers”, so here they are!

Silence of the Lambs (original):

Silence of the Lambs Original

Silence of the Lambs (mosaic):

Silence of the Lambs Mosaic

Transformers (original):

Transformers Original

Transformers (mosaic):

Transformers Mosaic

Each mosaic had over 1500+ unique users! Keep reading for the list of everyone in the mosaics: Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: July 29, 2007, 6:47 pm | Traceback| 9 Comments »

I’ve decided to do short series on movie posters as the basis for the next several mosaics. These images have lots of color and very interesting lines and curves. What could be a better movie to start than Soylent Green? IT’S PEOPLE! TWITTERMOSAIC IS PEOPLE!!!

Original Poster:

Soylent Green

Mosaic (IT’S PEOPLE!!!):

Soylent Green Mosaic

You can click to see the full thing. It weighs in at 870 KB.

There are about 1800 unique tiles. The names are listed below: Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: July 16, 2007, 3:46 pm | Traceback| 26 Comments »

Here is one of my favorite images done twice. “The Blue Marble” was taken from Apollo 17 and has become one of the most famous images of Earth taken from space. I decided to try something a little different. I made a mosaic of the original image, and then I made a mosaic of the negative image. I thought it would be interesting to see how many unique avatars I could use by having complimenting color schemes. It turns out I used over 1900 unique images between the two, so chances are that if you are a follower you’ll be in at least one of these!

Original image:

The Blue Marble



Negative Mosaic:


One interesting thing to note is that both of them have a “halo” effect; that is, the border of earth is surrounded by a dark ring of black in the original, and a bright ring of white in the negative while the surrounding areas are more or less white/black noise…. pretty cool. Keep reading for list of users in each mosaic: Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: July 6, 2007, 8:19 pm | Traceback| 33 Comments »

15  Jun
Follower Mosaic #1

Here is the first mosaic with only people following me on Twitter! As of this post there are 1751 followers. Just to show you what a drastic difference having a large icon base has, I made a mosaic of one I’ve already done before.

Follower-only mosaic (pool of 1,751 tiles):

Cactus Followers Mosaic

Original mosaic (pool of 20,000+ tiles):

Cactus 40

Obviously you can see the difference, but it actually came out quite well for only having about 5% of the tiles to choose from. Plus I also configured it to use as many unique tiles as possible. So, keep telling your friends to follow me, and the quality will improve dramatically… And now for the list! There are over 900, which means you have a pretty good chance of being in this one! Let me know if you find yourself. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: June 15, 2007, 7:35 pm | Traceback| 21 Comments »

Ok ok, so you wanted something that was actually in space… sheesh!

This is Astronaut Jim Reilly working on the ISS during the first planned extravehicular activity of the mission.

Astronaut Jim Reilly Mosaic

Image credit: NASA

1,100+ people in this one… are you in it? Here’s the list: Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: June 15, 2007, 6:59 pm | Traceback| 10 Comments »

I asked for your input on the next theme, and the people spoke: SPACE!

Here is a stunning photo of Space Shuttle Atlantis blasting off on June 8, 2007.

Space Shuttle Atlantis Mosaic

Image credit: NASA/Ken Thornsley

Over 1,400 unique icons! Read on to see the whole list…

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: June 15, 2007, 6:39 pm | Traceback| 3 Comments »

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