Well, it’s been 4 months since the last mosaic. I feel awful about that, but life got busy. Luckily I have a hot and fresh mosaic for you. I am a huge fan of college football, and this year’s championship game between LSU and Ohio State will prove to be an exciting one. So, to that effect, I have created a mosaic from a great image on espn.com.
Mosaic (over 1300 unique followers!):
Here’s the list of all followers included in this mosaic:
1389, _Brooke_, _mii, 10MinuteLessons, 16characters, 190east, 1co, 244mix, 2bctnd, 2of7, 2shy, 30ryo, 33pro, 3mz, 701u, a2b3, a950063, aagblog, aaiBoek, aanova, Aardvark, Abels, Abettertomorrow, abevigoda, absolutegaogao, acidos, AcmePhoto, acmorton, AcousticLEX, acrilico77, actiondatsun, actwell, adamswbrown, adekayin, Adielr, adobeted, adrants, Adrias, advancecassette, adventure, aecr_05, aetherworld, afef, aficiomaquinas, after9, agc, agjimenez, AguaSanta, ahbooden, aidg, aileenapolo, AIMDesignGroup, ajktwit, aka_aus_pd, akearns, akiakatsuki, akiolee, akito, akki91, akky_cc, akno, akyao, Al_bo, AlanLB, AlanLuna, AlanZhouRui, albani, AlbertoAyala, aldamiz, AlecTownes, AlEinstien, aleks2401, alex_theberge, Alex2000Blog, alexanderhayes, alexdeleon, Alexfluxx, alexgothic, alexius, alexj, alexksso, Alexuss, alfonsojimenez, Alice_s_eyes, alist, alkemis, AllAxisAjay, allikazoo, AllTenNinja, almabyte, AlTheSpook, alvaromagico, alvaroprb, alvarouribe, AlxSavage, amachang, amandachapel, amandaegge, amazondeals, ami, aMmadz, amneris, amnesiak1978, amonterc, amontice, amoration, AmpersandX, Amyduds17, anahitxt, AnamCara, andi_B, andiecinema, andresb, andrewbarnett, andrewcilento, Andri72, andycaster, anelsonjr, angelaf, AngelFangs, angelsmileoo, Angie0505, angied, Angmar, Anicka, Animal, anitamartini, Ankur, AnnaB, Annene, annievenenosa, anno, AnnOhio, anouke, antiheroine, anyanya, Aortography, apecsydney2007, apollodream, apotheos, appleisapple, Arathaur, archmage13, Arctic_Monkey, arfaxad, arica, ariedana, arlodesign, Armageddon, armchairgeek, arnault, arndjan, arnold, arquail, arroba, Arrogantics, arstechnica, articlesnatch, Artofpaint, arturogarrido, artux, arubenstein, arwen1616, asahina, aseppala, aserbonich, ashleydryden, AshLP, AshTR, AshyRaine, asi_san, associee, asuka, atkura, AtlRollergirls, atypicalsnowman, Atzimba, audio, auntybody, aurecovarrubias, AussieAna, Authoress, Avahosting, avinon, Avrom, awabihiko, awerner, ayawo528, ayu2007, azmr, b2ou6hty, babie, babyeros, backbeat, BadDad, badtmy, Bagadonuts, bahaw, Bakla, ballistik, banannie7, bancho, bandit, banyuken, baratunde, barbiebergamo, barchtta, barrycarlyon, bart234465, Bartathome, baseballboy828, bassguy, bbluesman, bbulman, bdotnet, beachblogger, beatnikturtle, BeautyRiche, bebangrulona, becariaplaneta, beckster, bedhead_newall, beebo_wallace, beinteractive, BelindoFan, bellringer, bemeall, benboubker, benlatrobe, ber, berniesworld, BerryCoco, beseaLane, betan, Bhaart, bhakti_blessing, bhartzer, biggsjm, bigkity, BigO, bigratsgoboom, BILLHAFT, binarystarmusic, binderodaemons, birdman, bistocho, bitanarchy, blacko, blackrabbit, BlastWidgets, bldngnerd, bliptv, Bloggo, blogstark, blonde20, BlondeByDesign, blondie1405, blookins, blowfish, Blu, blubrry, Blue_Dawg, BluesBro, blunders, bobm512z, bodyvisual, bogomo, boink, bongole, bonizai, Boogiepanda, bostonsteamer, BostonTweeters, boukokudb, boyghost, brainsmatter, bratinella, bravegirl, BreakingNewsOn, BrentIrwin, brett, brucery, BryanKing, Btl, btocher, BUCKETCorey, BuddyTV, BuffaloRising, bump, bunny_modern, burningprairie, burrito19, bushra, BusouTamachan, busymom6, Butlerdidit, BuzzFeed, byconstance, ByJane, bylunch, bytehead, c525600, caffination, cait, CajunTechie, CaleM, callkathy, calon, calu, cameijei, Camineet, camkin, Cand, capirussu, captain_laredo, careyheal, carineolivia, carloscaicedo, carlosfusa, carolinekorsten, Carr13221, casastorta, cassisdew, castor, Cataire, catholic3, cbgreenwood, ccarfi, ccwii, Ceedee, Cennydd, cesarius, cesars, cesarvi, cgardner, cgcampillo, chacal_lachaise, chavatore, Cheavor, ChefJoAnna, cherryPink, ches, ChibiHeityou, ChicaK, ChIqUi_0909, Chisa_Miw, CHoge, choisirtoujours, chowster, chrisdodd, chrishusein, chrisnixon, chrispirillo, Christianarchy, ChristianTheDoc, christinadalton, christopheW, chriswsw92, chuise, churakko, chutzpah, chuza, ciela, cinemafreak, cinemaminima, cishanjia, citymuse, cj_mills, cj69collins, cjtengi, cjuon, class2grade3, ClassicStarts, clearheart, clipmarks, clsyee, cmartial, CnBoYer, CoconutRyo, Codepope, coldgin, comics_ja, compwoman, concentrated, conejo, contrastpodcast, convergentpr, corpus_ct, costi, CourtneyWatson, CraigCunningham, CraigN, craniac, crazyvermonter, Creativeions, Creech, crema, criana, Crickee, CrisisCris, cruisemaniac, crysora, ctmagnus, Cucharete, CuddlyColin, cummingsl, cunningminx, cuthead, CutieKim9, CVMINC, cyberespia, cynfusion, Cynx, czgab, da404lewzer, daduhmainee, daisylilly, dalileo, dallasfreeman, DaMarChis, damphlett, dan1657, daniele3957, danieledm, danieljohnsonjr, danigranatta, DanSan, DaphneA, daphneya, dapoohda, DarkMagePR, DARKMARATHON, darkwing1876, darlingelle, darth_mall, Datoineblaze, davestacey, davidlambert, davidorban, davloal, Dayngr, DBPNonline, DBS, dcb97, DCmusicfusion, DeathAxe, debra47, debski, debtech, deew27, def_shteph, Delish_Trish, DeltaBunny, dementia, Demimundane, derickson, derrick1792, desaturated, desi_fubu, desiReee, DestroXXIV, dev0000, DevalPatrick, DevilBlueDress, devinjay, dgcr, dhewlett, Dhrumil, dialect, diandrawr, diarionocturno, digitalArtvark, digitalbear, digitalproject, digitalrealist, dirtdirt, Dishliquid, ditzi, div_conspiracy, dkawalec, dkemper, dknighton, dlangendorf, DobleD, doctor_gonzo, dogwalkin, DoK, dokon, Dolphy, DomenicY, DoneZone, donkeyword, dontbejack, douglaskarr, DownloadSquad, dpnation, Dra_Kleine, drakulon, drazhar, DrErnie, drewdomkus, drewolanoff, drikin, driversdrive, drmkng, drnet111, druaga, druid42, dtdiggs, dtw1995, dubaonamix, DuckyLove, durl, DuXtin, dwajot, Dzzjjj, echolalia, eco2001, ecsyle, edenza, edham_arief, Edroos, EdTv, eduardo96beav, edwin761, edwinv, eeleectrick, efrain, eggraphix, egopro, Eiain, eiei_ooh, Einsamkeit, EktorBaboden, elgeffe, eliecuretti, elishebha, elizabethhelz, elkiwi, elleryq, elmare, Elmonmon, elnishiri, eloehfelm, elpeor, elsamurai, elyse, embereye, emc2vet, EmperorAnton, emzanotti, enmdo, epalomeque, epredator, ErbVillage, eriathien, eriking, erincarter, erinslibrary, Erliebrd, ernohannink, Erromango, error, erykaj, esausse, escapist, esesaki, espina, estarla, estebanperez, estrategy, Estrella83, ethand, euri, evacabrera, evandeaubl, Evelyn, EvertB, evilelement, evn, Evorgleb, ewynn, exiva, ExploWare, extramegane, ExtraordinaryMe, ExtremePods, Eyebee, EYEJAMMY, eyelash840, fairiemoonchild, faithlesskat, fangle, farouqtaj, Fashiontribes, Fassbinder, fatadinpom, fbrunel, fedhat, felipenunez, Felisse, fernand0, fiefie, fifnel, FiLoFrAk, Firstpenguin, FiZ, fjkktkys, Fk1710, flag75, flatage, fleaSha, florecita, flossy, floyd, flungabunga, Flyswatter, fn7, foodmomiac, fordee, foulbastard, fran_albarn, FranckLassagne, Frans, freakscity, frederick_spahn, fredthefourth, frelkins, freygan, FrikiTV, fruskio, fshin2000, fujicco, fujimaki, fujinoki, fulltimecasual, furakutaru, fusedreality, fuyoh, Gabraham, GabrielleSays, gachimaya, Gadget17, gagneeric, gaku, GAL_TONKATSU, Gandhu, gannotti, gaooh, gash26, gavinocarroll, gavowan, GBBarnacles, gcal, GearLive, gearlivegirl, geokitten78, georgedearing, georgehuff, geosteph, Gerdanperox, germen, gervis, geuro, ggarfield, ghosting, giallo, Giania, gilesrhysjones, Giligowla, gin_hal, gisiger, GitaNurani, gito2, Givitago, giza, Gizfolio, Gizmogrl, GlennaEnna, GLGJ, globalwarming, gnakan, gnumadic, Gokoo, GoldCoastGirl, googoltwn, grace2design, gregorlove, greybon, guapacho, hepta, horrabin, hotice, huguito, HuitZiloP, hyme, IBTerri, ignorable, il_lozzo, IndieFlix, indieradiochatt, infinitypro, Iquitoz, irfant, isopixel, iworkforthem, jamash29, jamrock, JasonCalacanis, javieryn, jaygooby, jazzychad, jci, jeanlucr, jeffmcneill, jenternational, jerobins, jhonycogollo, jigenndaisuke, jillsodt, jmchau, joakime, johantenge, jorgeandresito, juampa, kambel, KaosMitch, Kaptuz, karenalexander, Karoll, KarrieLyne, keephead, kellileo, kevinchu, Kisaragi_0221, kissif, kooltime, kryan70, ksonney, Kuru, Kymberlie, Laieanna, lalunaesmilugar, lask, lauralindberg, lbroekman, levasseur08, lille, lisaw, LizaJne, ll_koba_ll, lonestarr, LouiZoot, louspringer, LucaCappelletti, luge, luisraa, lydia69, lyonora, maccise, macweaz, Maddy_, maggie_be, mAicLo, malburns, manfrys, MAREXdesign, margalit, markcoruk, Marri, mathieutozer, matsie, maureendurant, maydaydist, mdial, meangrape, mediosdigitales, meesie, memory, Merlinn, mettphace, michaelallison, Miguelmateos, MimiSyaka, Mister_B, mjantzi, Morbius53, moritomizu, mortonfox, mosqueda, mrbadak, MrVersatal, mrvinyldeck, mudska, naterkane, NatoNeutron, navio, nawfal, necotter, neokrisys, netkus, nevrothwen, Nilros, nisti2, NoTime4YourCrap, NurseDave, ockle, OlivierDuval, OneInchPixel, ooObiubiuOooo, Opaq, Orbitcast, OrchardKeeper, otsune, p0ps, pabloaltclas, paigekaos, parakmh, Pathfinder, patriciadamiano, PaulLev, philmang, Pixites, podipoda, ponzarelli, PressAbout, Profy, pwytter, quinnroberts, raein, Rafeo, raidho, Rain_storm, raitu, rakugaki07, ralpharama, ramblinthoughts, ramipas, randolfom, Randomguru, Randou, RaseriSjel, Ravana, ravendiva, raw, Rayke, rayrayangel, RayS, rcopeh, RebeccaInMelb, rebuttalqueen, rechal, Reckon, RED555, rednix, reikokko, RemBeatZ, renice, replore, resilient, reversecowgirl, rexsan, RexyInc, rheenagrace, richstyles, rickandola, rickcurran, Ridgerunner, rikyrasca, Rinchei, RinoaRyder, riona, ritanila, rivkam, rjgf, RJPA, rmckillo, rmwb, RNYK, roadup, Roar, Robbie, robbyedwards, robincarlton, RobinYap, robliberal, RobRage, robschendel, robsk102, robwall, robzonenet, roc21, rominaj, roscai, roslin_petion, rtDIRECTOR, rubenerd, s12bt, sa_ku, Saber1979, Sarebok, Sarterus, SatiricPacifist, SayAnythingDebe, SayAnythingJen, sca1, schreise74, scommunity, scottiesky, scottstead, Sea_Jackal, SebastianX, seco, SecondLifeUsers, secretcameraman, seiichirou, Sekvens, Selene, selliebee, selmadu, sennett, Sentei, septagonstudios, serafaery, serene_e, Sezwee, sfgabe, shane, ShapeThrower, shika, ShuffShuff, sic, Silentium, Sims2, Sjint, skatemap, skram, smokeymonkey, snazzit, snbeach, sniegas, snowgoose, soappp, sodamachine, SOKEY, SomaCowGeoff, sonop, sophistishe, sora_h, soth83, soviet_ninja, soyetico, Spades, SpaghettiKing, spiderqueen, spin, spiritpine, Spitje, splinter98, Spock, spxds, Squidpunch, srta, StandIn, stepanov, StereoAlliance, sternie, steveclifforduk, stevegarfield, stevejay, stevenvanwel, stewbagz, stewtopia, storm_rice, stormy78, stoweboyd, stupidperks, suadd, subcircle, sugarytea, suishoo, sumotv, SunnyC, sunnystarr, sunzofman1, superdry, surpass, suzaku, suzukinasake, Svumpukkel, sweetpeas, syaki, sydfilmfestival, Sylvia638, sync61, SynDown, Syo_tan, syoh_xxx, T_Nishi, Tabsq, tabuchid, tacke, Tadaki, taga110, Takachan, takagiyu, takahiromashiko, takamiu, takaoka, Take2_host1, takesweet, takesweety, TAKNAK, talpa, tangi, tapir, tapps, tapuo, Taquoriaan, Tavo, Taxaki, TE, teach42, TechDoctor, teckie, teddlesruss, teko, telefonica, tendrel, tentatividiauro, tenyjr, texantiff, tfunato, The_Barnut, the_lizzard, The_Rooster, TheBeast, theberrygirl, thebigwahoonie, TheBlackFin, thechris111, thecommonpeople, TheDeadlyBishop, thedespair, thedumbox, TheEducatedFool, thegreenhead, theH, theJoshMeister, TheKisho, TheMav, TheNETIOShow, theotherguy1, theothermeat, thepolishtwin, TheRevolutionUS, theRQ, thicke, ThickShyMamita, thinkfuture, thisisthechris, ThomasaKempis, thomasnicholls, Thommo, ThoughtSparks, threefive, thunderchld, thw, Thymeless, tiffanyayana, tiffanybbrown, tigerbeat, timer, timesonline, tinahdee, Tineke, Tinieblas, tinix, Tinu, tiny_ian, tiongsy, tirana, Tjoff, tkbalt, tkmr, tkmrDoro, tknv, tmas68, tmo, tnolte, tobira, tobybryans, tokky, Tolchock, tomdecouttere, tomikura, tomity, tomiwk, tomo1966, tonocchi, toonfisch, toppachaps, torgorama, toshmx, totoon, toturou, Toughbird, touka, TPMulatto, traaidmark, tracysheridan, TraderZed, Traeonna, trashionista1, trebellos, treeee, treotime, trib, TrifleBullet, trispad, Trojan_Warrior, trojanavenger, truejerseygirl, tsu4, TsumuRi, TUAW, TulipSwallow, tunakichi, Tunis, Tupalo, twalls, twila_zoned, twink8686, twitbin, twitdir, twittan, Twitterflix, TwitterLit, TwitterPOET, twitterscott, twittme, twittown, twochains, Tydna, tyler_d, tyoro, TZA, Uberbastard, ucchy, uglyhill, UK_plus, UK1217, ukico, UKParliament, ukran1987, umairsalam, Umazura, Umweltyeti, UncleFester, unclr, unocontodo, unschuldslamm, urawakun, ureiasunaro, uroburo, ursonate, useless_man, usnwade, UstreamTV, vaginasaur, vajra, valdzone, valeriecelia, valuz, vanwilder, vaspers, veadar, veniz23, veo, vfranklyn, Videlais, vinceleste, Viola21, viper565, Virany, visionary_kaede, vivian1986, voornopnaarpop, vrtnieuwsnet, VSC, waajeed3, wahlee, wallace, Wallaceh, wam3, wanderingdj, wanderingone, Warlach, wassermelone, Watercourse, wazurai, web2meetup, webbalicious, webguy2k, webs, Webtickle, Wedge, weesimon, wella, wellsphere, wgmaxon, whatsername, white_devil, whitespring, Wiggly_Lisa, wiji, wildercat, wildwell, Will_Scott, willmuto, willrix, WineNight, WiredPig, with_mint, wlai, wolly, WonderfulLove7, woopsdez, Wopalockapino, WrestlingFan, wtbw, www3408009000it, wxaustin, wxbrighton, wxchicago, wxlondon, wxroma, wxsf, wyinoue, wyldeMann, Xial, xiexie, xirclebox, xlovestoned, Xoconostle, xoder, xoox, xpavlovx, xpunkx, xxdesmus, y_keiko, YahairaRD, yamakazz, yamakozawa, yamilsalinas, Yankara, yaskun, yasuoyamao, yatil, yazu, ycums, yd_niku, ydubel, Yedda, yenjan, yeti_warlord, yetiover, ykhalif22, ym, YoGeek, yoggel, yohshee, yoill, yokky, yolinh, yonki_y_bollera, you27, Young, ysk_type2, yto, yuichi_komi, yuichy, yujitan, yukimam, Yukitaka, yuko_twitter, yukoinosaka, yukotan, yumeno, yumori, yupppi, yuri00x, yuz_tw, yvette, Yxes, yzfdude1, zakame, Zakkk, zaren, zaxer, zemlanin, zenchaos, zenxacred, zerochaos, zh, zhak, zhangbaozz, zhiwhozheyeah, zhizhujing, ZinzyG, ziomacz, zoo_on_fire, ZouYing, zu, zukke, zuwiki, zxcvdayo
December 3rd, 2007 at 8:40 pm
Hey! Welcome back! I’m not sure if I can find myself or not! But that may be nothing new… Do you always use the entire icon or do you use parts?
You still planning on your initial promise of a mosaic of the icons of your loyal fan club or did that go by the wayside as well? Curiosity will drive me insane anyway!
December 3rd, 2007 at 10:09 pm
thanks! i found i’m in this image 2 times. amazing.
December 3rd, 2007 at 11:45 pm
I found me! I’m near the top.. i’m just above the stadium part of the picture.. yay.. that was easier than I thought it would be to find myself.
great work again.. it’s amazing.
December 4th, 2007 at 3:34 am
super!! nice art
December 4th, 2007 at 10:46 am
[…] December 4, 2007 · No Comments I’m excited. My grandparents have attended Crieve Hall Church of Christ as dedicated members for over twenty five years and have had a relationship with the church since 1964. My grandmother’s preacher Bill Watkins and a pastoral assistant Andrew Leeper are both passionate about the word and are interested in receiving technical knowledge about the so-called “social media space” including blogging and web 2.0 interactivity. I have one other meeting scheduled later this week to help and am looking to widen that number in an effort to help bridge the generational and culture gaps with web technology.I’m interested to hear your opinion. What do you find to be the biggest challenges of blogging and the social media space? [you don’t have to be Andrew Keen or Dooce to know there are struggles] Alternatively, what are your favorite parts or favorite experiences? Or what is your blogging story? Its crazy to think that someone from Asian (and probably Singapore) read my blog [Asian characters in the URL were my only indication] after I tracked back to Mitch Joel after he did a conference in Asia and its even crazier to think that someone from South Africa read and commented on my blog. And these are events I know about without the help of google analytics or a geographical map feature (which is soooo the next addition to my blog). I talked in forums to second life pastors in Australia. And I was added to the rotating blogroll at Swerve (the biggest church in the country). And just this last week I got some link love from Rex and social media guru JD Lasica. For being so young in the blogging part of the space–to me thats pretty cool. Not to mention, I’ve gotten a lot of link love from the Nashville blogging scene in the Music City Bloggers and Volunteer Voters. This just scratches the surface. The metaphor of the social web is alive and well. I think one of the projects that epitomizes it is the Twitter Mosaic. The twitter mosaic compiles individual Twitter pictures of people who are following him/her in a mosaic. This month’s Twitter mosaic is of college football. […]
December 4th, 2007 at 7:29 pm
[…] Vía […]
December 5th, 2007 at 1:49 am
Hey I am in there somewhere, but finding just where I am that is another matter, welcome back by friend. You do nice work I look at it as an art form, thnaks for the include,,great pic.
December 9th, 2007 at 12:13 pm
This is net art of the highest calibration. Cheers to one who can make us feel like a micro avatar and how significant we are or aren’t in the grinding schemata of thangs.
Keep up the innovative and curious work!
Listening to Eucci.
June 13th, 2008 at 5:52 pm
December 3rd, 2008 at 11:50 am
I Love this site.
Although I’m broke now!
December 3rd, 2008 at 11:51 am
This Site
March 6th, 2009 at 8:30 am
Спасибо наконец то нашла то что хотела прочитать тут. Кстати у меня есть рисунки на эту тему. Куда можно скинуть? Ещё раз спасибо !
May 10th, 2009 at 3:40 am
Спасибо, люблю читать ваши посты очень интересно
February 4th, 2010 at 7:51 pm
[…] Here’s the original: http://www.twittermosaic.com/?p=121 […]
April 30th, 2010 at 4:09 am
Я извиняюсь, но, по-моему, Вы не правы. Давайте обсудим. Пишите мне в PM, поговорим.
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December 6th, 2011 at 6:51 am
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December 26th, 2011 at 7:24 am
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