15  Jun
Follower Mosaic #1

Here is the first mosaic with only people following me on Twitter! As of this post there are 1751 followers. Just to show you what a drastic difference having a large icon base has, I made a mosaic of one I’ve already done before.

Follower-only mosaic (pool of 1,751 tiles):

Cactus Followers Mosaic

Original mosaic (pool of 20,000+ tiles):

Cactus 40

Obviously you can see the difference, but it actually came out quite well for only having about 5% of the tiles to choose from. Plus I also configured it to use as many unique tiles as possible. So, keep telling your friends to follow me, and the quality will improve dramatically… And now for the list! There are over 900, which means you have a pretty good chance of being in this one! Let me know if you find yourself.

_EL_, _HotFish, _kit_, 190east, 1co, 244mix, 2bctnd, 2of7, 3mz, 5OH7, 701u, 76birth, 7diane, 7KI, a0960342213, a1mega, a950063, aagblog, aaiBoek, aanova, Aardvark, abevigoda, AcmePhoto, AcousticLEX, actwell, acydlord, Ada_Chow, adawen, Adielr, adinb, adrants, adriapolis, Adrias, aecr_05, Aeromental, aficiomaquinas, agencyaspen, Agility, aidg, Airrun, AjeH, ajktwit, aka_aus_pd, akame, akelatal, akirafukuoka, akishichiroji, akita_kia, akno, Albo, AlecTownes, aleks2401, alesjahiro, alex15, Alex2000Blog, alexaoi, alexdeleon, alexius, alfonsojimenez, aliasbob, Alice_s_eyes, alitosan, aljuk, allebara, allgreen, alpha_zero, alphabunny, AlTheSpook, AluminiuM, AlxSavage, amandachapel, amneris, amsterdamant, Amsville, amy001104, Ancude, andi_B, andrae, andreahelene, andrew987, andrewcilento, androm, andyb56, andycaster, AngelaTheGreat, AngeloSu, Angmar, anibal_k, Animal, anitamartini, AnnaB, AnnOhio, antithetical, antolo, Antygon, apecsydney2007, apelad, apotheos, appleisapple, aqulos, araleps, Arathaur, Arcier, AriX, arlodesign, arnault, arndjan, arquail, arricivita, arroba, artemary, arturogarrido, arubenstein, asada_santohei, asca2, aserbonich, ashet, AshLP, asi_san, Asimon, aslamp, astroboy, asuka, asyurahime, atmasphere, Attitude, atypicalsnowman, audio, audiomarketing, auer1816, auntybody, aurey09, Authoress, Autocoaching, automatic, autumm393, Avrom, awabihiko, AwatakeTakahiro, awilkinson, awnisALAN, Ayries, aysoon, azmr, b_konrad, babydoll, backfisch0815, badapple, badassturtle, badtmy, bagus_y, bahaw, Bakkel, ballistik, bancho, barbiebergamo, baritsu, baseballboy828, Basti_S, bazzy, bb0868, beagooddad, BeautyRiche, beauxmots, becariaplaneta, beckster, bedhead_newall, beinteractive, BenjaminQu, benlatrobe, berniesworld, beseaLane, bgiltner, Bhaart, bhell13, bibliotech, bigjim, bigkity, BillAlexander, billrafferty, birdman, BlackendRoseThn, blackhoppy, blacknaja, bldngnerd, bliptv, bllindgrls, blonde20, blondie1405, blowfish, blubrry, BlueTeddy, blutarsky82, bobbysavage, bogomo, bohboh, bokura, Boogiepanda, book_blog, book686, booktwo, boozerpro, bopper, bostonsteamer, boukokudb, bowlofcheese, boyghost, brainofrox, brainopera, brainsmatter, bramhilgersom, branchiopoda, bratinella, bravegirl, BrC, BreezeDebris, bren, Brero, brettporter, briandewitt, brianhorn, brianshaler, Britneymason, Britt7094, bronwynr, broohaha, bruceboughton, brucery, bryan, bryanl, bsaitz, btocher, bube, bullytheLSB, Bumi, bump, bunny_modern, burningprairie, BusouTamachan, busymom6, buta_subuta, bwong, byconstance, ByJane, bykyc, bylunch, byndpdcstng, Cadill, cafeaulait, CajunTechie, callkathy, calon, Calvero, cameijei, CameoDawn, captainmidget, cardsagogo, careyheal, carineolivia, carloscaicedo, Carr13221, cat3, catenerve, catepol, CathyG, cattias, caymansite, cbee, ccarfi, ccwii, ced, cedorsett, CedricD, cesarius, cesars, cgcampillo, chacopen, chaturanga, cheeko, ChefMark, chelpixie, Cheney, cherylcolan, chette, chicheh_qt, chico, chiconuclear, chipman78, ChIqUi_0909, Chisa_Miw, Cholie, choochus, chrisrbailey, Christianarchy, ChristianTheDoc, ChrisVanPatten, ChrisWarren, chriswsw92, Chuckumentary, chutayorozu, chutry, ciela, CindyB, cinemafreak, cinemaminima, cishanjia, cjtengi, clarita82, clash, cleaner, cliffordsound, clipeuh, CodeJedi, CoeCoe, coha, comachibie, comedian, comicbase, commecadujapon, compEyes, computers, compwoman, ComuComu, comunicati, conejo, contrastpodcast, CoreyPud, cote_, coumedayu, Craig_W, CraigN, CreativeSage, Creativethirst, crfielder, criana, crispydragon, cristiancontini, Critt, Crouka, cshreiner, ctsonline, cub, Cucharete, CuddlyColin, cummingsl, CutieKim9, CVMINC, cwsaylor, cyberespia, Cyberfrancis, Cyberjuan, Cybersoc, Cygnusia, Cythro, DaddyOh, dagdamfyno, dagomazoro, dahowlett, daisuke, daisylilly, daiusami, dakegra, Dakiny, dalileo, DaMarChis, damegane, Damiana, dancinjul, daniel_voicu, danielmorrison, danielphillip, DanielTome, daniminas, danivlayar, dapoohda, DARKMARATHON, darth_mall, DaveLaMorte, davewashere, davidex, davidfinch, davidhogg, davidlambert, Davidous, DavidWard, Dayngr, daysgoon, dcb97, DCmusicfusion, deCali, decjr, dedy, deew27, def_shteph, definitelymaybe, deGolf, dekrazee1, deliciousmedia, delineas, DeltaBunny, denied, derickson, desaturated, designworks, desiReee, DevalPatrick, DevilBlueDress, dfk1, dgcr, dhettema, diandrawr, diarionocturno, dickey, Digiguru, digiscrapmom, dilettantekris, djackmanson, djasmith, Djezer, DJosephDesign, dlangendorf, DLPerry, dmbsarah, dmotion, doctor_gonzo, doctorvee, Dogfaeries, Dogwood, DoK, Dolphy, domat33f, DomenicY, don_panse, DoneZone, donkey20, donzy, DougH, dougward, dpoke852, Dr_Pill, Dra_Kleine, dragon9, DraStudio, drewolanoff, drikin, drinkgoodtea, drjones42, drjsp173, drmkng, drtask, drumfactor, dsloys, dssolveinlove, dtw1995, duckn, dungkal, dustinj, Dycacian, Dzzjjj, EastsideBiz, eazie, ebertek, echolalia, echolink, eclair, eco2001, ed_x, Eddypedro, edgizmo, EdiYokota, edstace, eduardo96beav, edwin761, ehan, Eiain, ejfisher, ekp, eladyland, eLd0raDo, Elektra, elizabethhelz, elleryq, Emm, EmmaLeigh, EmperorAnton, emzanotti, energyBLOG, entropik, epalacios, eraser, erikstripparo, erikuma, erinslibrary, erlend, ernohannink, erraggy, EsponV, esteinar, estrategy, euri, evandeaubl, Eve1972, evilelement, Evorgleb, Exena, Extremo, Eyebee, eyepixels, faithlesskat, FANLESS, farouqtaj, fb_a14, fbabes, febake, fedhat, feinsinn, ferds, fernand0, fidaabbott, fifnel, file_604, filmsnob, firefly_n, Firstpenguin, firwgn7, fisch, fitnfun007, Fixya, flag75, flasher, flashmech, fleep, flickguy, float, florecita, fn7, Fogview, foobaar, foodmomiac, fordee, FoRTu, Fotomaf, Fournelo, fran_albarn, FranckLassagne, freakscity, Fredegre, frelkins, FrikiTV, fshin2000, fujimaki, Fujisan, Fully, furina1975, Futoshi, gabopagan, gabrielmansour, GAJUU, gaku, GamerAndy, gaooh, gar_cia, GaragePunk, gardenclogs, garyking, gavowan, gaytheologian, gboy, gdunn, Geek_Kittie, Geezeo, Gen77, gervis, gerwitz, ggarfield, ghbrett, Giania, Gilchrist, gillilandboy, gisiger, Givitago, Gizfolio, gkojax, glitter_gnome, gnumadic, guapacho, hartamadona, HighDef, horrabin, huguito, isopixel, jazzychad, jenternational, johnedwards, Jupe, kambel, keephead, kmakice, ksonney, lbroekman, levasseur08, LisaMaree, MdLawLib, migpwr, MimiSyaka, mozzer, mwidmann, MyUFO, NatoNeutron, navio, nbr, okokitsme, ooObiubiuOooo, otsune, panpot, Peppery, pglyman, programwitch, PurplePeace, ra_tigan, rabidrobot, Rachelskirts, radamantis, raena, Rafeo, raitu, rakugaki07, ral, ramblinthoughts, ramcosca, ramipas, ramon_rivera, randelaw, randolfom, randomreviewer, Randou, RaseriSjel, rathersurf, RayMck, RebeccaInMelb, rechal, Redrag, redragon, redsoxcast, redstar23, reign4aday, rein, RemBeatZ, renice, repserc, restlessecstasy, Reves, rexsan, richi, RichSPK, rickcurran, rickmahn, Ridgerunner, rikimae, rikwuts, ringo134, ringoo, RISC14, rizzn, robat, robbyedwards, robertnelson, robertodadda, robfindlay, robinwauters, robschendel, roc21, rtDIRECTOR, sanakan, sandieman, SanNakji, Sarterus, sassysonya, saxdiva, SayAnythingDebe, SayAnythingJen, sblanco, sca1, Scheer, Schmult, schuyler, scifilaura, scm, scmiran, scommunity, scoopie77, scor24pio, Scottix, SD_dejavu, seanote, seco, Seiko_Udoku, sejomagno, Sekvens, Selbelina, Selene, senmu, Serif, Serra, sevenrosie, sic, sniegas, soappp, solomon71, somacow, somerandomdude, Sonikcycle, sonmica, sonny_taz, sonsun, soopa, sooziebeaker, soth83, soviet_star, spaceguy, spacesheep, Spades, sparkleblsm, sparklette, spartin92, speechmom, splee, spleffy, srta, ssg, st3phen, stark, startledbunny, stauziede, Stefigno, stepanov, stephliu, stephwebster, stereotape710, sternie, stevenvanwel, stevepurkiss, steveray, stilldavid, storyville, stoweboyd, StrikerObi, sundog, SunnyC, sunzofman1, Sureal, suVene, sweetcorazon, swords, sydfilmfestival, symbi0se, Symour, syoh_xxx, T_Nishi, tagedge, Takachan, takamiu, takanakanao, takaoka, Takari27, takasima, Take2_host1, takerui, talpa, tangi, tanigon, taper, tapuo, tatoeba, Taxaki, TechDoctor, techkitten, technosailor, TechTools, Tecnopalm, teenidol_12, teko, tekusuke, telene, telesilla, Tempest, TemporalSoldier, tendrel, tentatividiauro, tenten_n, tenyjr, Tere_Tere, terminal, TerryBain, tet3, thabenksta, The_Barnut, theamichrist, TheBeast, thecommonpeople, thedak, thedespair, TheFlyingMonkey, theH, thelistenerd, thelittlestsifu, TheMadGnome, theMisterG, theothermeat, therearenorules, therockmom, TheVerve, ThoughtSparks, thrashr888, thunderchld, Thuraya, Thymeless, tigerbeat, timer, TimKing, timwoolsey, Tineke, Tjardick, tkmr, tkmrDoro, tkyyhk, tmcamp, tmorton1111, tnolte, Tobbi, toddkelley, tokyoforecast, tomdecouttere, tomikura, tomisima, Tommaso, tomo1966, tomokano, tonaga, tontowilliams, tonywu, toonfisch, toshi_99, toshmx, totalimmoral, touka, tracysheridan, Traeonna, trashionista1, Treofrog, Treogermany, trib, Tristy, trmac, Troi, tsmith, tsuki, tsuzumi, TUAW, TulipSwallow, Tunis, Tupalo, turedure_sado, turoczy, Twendy, twila_zoned, Twinkie, twitdir, twittan, twitterscott, Tydna, tyusingura, TZA, ubertech, uiallalla, UK_plus, uky, Umweltyeti, UncleFester, unschuldslamm, uroburo, uxama, vajra, valdzone, valeehill, Veeyawn, verfall, vern, victor_bibies, vinuthomas, Virany, vista, vonkinder, voornopnaarpop, VoQn, vt8601a, wahlee, Wallaceh, wanderinggypsy, waynesutton, Webkarma, webwench, weesimon, whatsername, wickedlibrarian, Widescreen, Wiggly_Lisa, wilalambre, Will_Scott, willmuto, wilsond, windynorkan, wingnut79, winston_76, wishful, with_mint, wolfmank, Wondermonkey2k, WoodlandSpirit, woopsdez, WuddaWaste, wulf_eh, wxaustin, wxbrighton, wxchicago, wxlondon, wxroma, wxsf, wyctim, wyinoue, wyldeMann, xiexie, xyour925job, YackLau, yamakozawa, Yaraher, yasakani, yaskun, yasnoo, yazu, YCHRO3, ycums, yd_niku, ydubel, YiPing, ykhalif22, ylynfatt, ym, YNE, YoGeek, yohshee, yongwei, yonki_y_bollera, yosioka, ysk_type2, ysmkwa, yuichi179cm, yuichy, yujitan, yukarins, yukiikyuta, yukimam, yukotan, yuma, yumori, yuri00x, Zakkk, zaldor, zami, zaxer, ze, zechariahs, zeiss, zemote, zenx, zenxacred, Zero_Armada, zh, zhangbaozz, zhaoman, zianeu, Ziese52, zimmermann, zmei, zolliker, zone41, zxcvdayo

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: June 15, 2007, 7:35 pm | Traceback|

21 Responses

  1. Kathy Jacobs Says:

    I found myself in the dark swath of ground to the right of the base of the cactus. Actually, I found myself twice in that area! Way Cool!

  2. Rachel Says:

    How fun! I see myself twice! Ziese52 I love photo mosaics. I did one of my husband and I growing up in our engagement picture and displayed at our wedding reception. So cool!

  3. Cythro Says:

    Woot. i’m at (15, 27) from top right.

  4. bunny_modern Says:

    i do! i do! bottom left. u rock!

  5. Rick Curran Says:

    Yep, spotted myself almost straight away! Never knew I was so prominent! ;)

  6. Sara Says:

    Egad man, you’re crazy! And I actually picked mine out! :)

  7. Jessie Says:

    Cool, I found my icon three times! And I wrote an entry on my blog urging folks to follow you on Twitter. Thanks for the mosaic!

  8. Evan Says:

    Cool, found myself 3 times (!!) in the cactus. Figured I’d be there since my picture is so dark. :-)

  9. Raggi Says:

    Excellent work - I just love it.
    Unfortunately I haven´t found myself

  10. Bhaart Says:

    haha! i also found myself three times! i’m at the bottom of the mosaic. Cheers :)

  11. Basti_S Says:

    yeah i found myself also 3 times =D
    u rock

  12. zhak Says:

    not in it, but still amazingly awesome! great job.

  13. thelittlestsifu Says:

    i made it…twice!!! woo hoo!!!

  14. yenjan Says:

    Such amazing job!! I havn’t found myself but I actually found my friend vista’s icon, cool~

  15. alphabunny Says:

    This is sooo cool. I see avatars I recognize, but have not found myself on it…yet!

  16. totalimmoral Says:

    too cool. lol, I’m surprised I found myself right away!

  17. ramcosca Says:

    I can’t find my big old head. I’ll keep on searching, I’m interested!

  18. Jim Says:

    This is great!.. a real woot..

  19. zeiss Says:

    w00t!!! I found myself 3 times!!! :-D

    u rock!!!


  20. Twila_Zoned Says:

    Wow! I found myself 3 times as well, and fairly quick! I am amazed, and honored to be in something so incredible.


  21. TwitterMosaic | The Far Corner Says:

    […] you find The Far Corner on Follower Mosaic #1, Follower Mosaic #2 or Follower Mosaic #4 - Soylent Green? Just click on the picture to see a […]

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