Here is one of my favorite images done twice. “The Blue Marble” was taken from Apollo 17 and has become one of the most famous images of Earth taken from space. I decided to try something a little different. I made a mosaic of the original image, and then I made a mosaic of the negative image. I thought it would be interesting to see how many unique avatars I could use by having complimenting color schemes. It turns out I used over 1900 unique images between the two, so chances are that if you are a follower you’ll be in at least one of these!

Original image:

The Blue Marble



Negative Mosaic:


One interesting thing to note is that both of them have a “halo” effect; that is, the border of earth is surrounded by a dark ring of black in the original, and a bright ring of white in the negative while the surrounding areas are more or less white/black noise…. pretty cool. Keep reading for list of users in each mosaic:

The Blue Marble (Original) 1325 users:

_AnGeL_, _Brooke_, _HotFish, _kit_, 190east, 244mix, 2bctnd, 2of7, 2shy, 3mz, 5OH7, 701u, 76birth, 78g, 7diane, 7KI, a950063, aaiBoek, aanova, Aardvark, abevigoda, aclark, AcmePhoto, AcousticLEX, actiondatsun, actwell, acydlord, Ada_Chow, Adielr, adinb, adobeted, adrants, Adrias, aecr_05, Aeromental, afef, aficiomaquinas, agc, agencyaspen, Agility, agjimenez, AguaSanta, aidg, Airrun, Ajamuk, AjeH, ajktwit, aka_aus_pd, akame, Akasame, akelatal, akiakatsuki, akirafukuoka, akita_kia, Akiyah, akno, Aldo_MT, AlecTownes, aleighanne, aleko, aleksoft, alex_theberge, alex15, Alex2000Blog, alexanderhayes, alexdeleon, alexius, alexksso, aliasbob, alist, alitosan, aljuk, allebara, allgreen, Allina, AlmostaGeek, alpha_zero, alphabunny, AlTheSpook, AluminiuM, alvaromagico, alvaroprb, alvarouribe, AlxSavage, amandachapel, amellie, ameva3, ami, amin, amneris, amoration, amsterdamant, Amsville, amy001104, AnamCara, Ancude, andi_B, andie343, andiesmith, andrae, andreaki, andrew987, andrewcilento, andycaster, andytn, AngelaTheGreat, AngeloSu, Angmar, anibal_k, Anicka, anitacocktail, Ankur, AnnaB, Annene, annievenenosa, annin102, AnnOhio, AnotherMaria, antiheroine, antithetical, antolo, Antygon, apelad, apotheos, appleisapple, aqulos, araleps, Arcier, Arena_Santiago, Aretao3d, arfaxad, argylesocks, ariedana, aristopicchio, arite, AriX, arlodesign, Armageddon, arnault, arndjan, arquail, arricivita, arroba, artemary, arturogarrido, arubenstein, asada_santohei, asca2, aserbonich, ashet, ashleydc, AshLP, AshTR, asi_san, Asimon, aslamp, astroboy, asyurahime, atlcelebrity, AtlRollergirls, atmasphere, atsmatsumoto, Attitude, atypicalsnowman, aubkabob, audio, audiomarketing, auer1816, auntybody, aurey09, Authoress, autumm393, Avrom, awabihiko, AwatakeTakahiro, awilkinson, awnisALAN, ayaskant, aysoon, ayustety, azmr, b2ou6hty, babele_dunnit, babydoll, backfisch0815, badapple, badassturtle, badbadivy, BadDad, badtmy, Bagadonuts, bagus_y, bahaw, Bakkel, baldguyshow, bancho, baratunde, Barbidure, barbiebergamo, baritsu, bart234465, baseballboy828, basementrecords, bashof, Basti_S, Batssweepingair, bb0868, beagooddad, beauxmots, becariaplaneta, beckster, beebo_wallace, beinteractive, belutz, BenjaminQu, ber, berniesworld, BerryCoco, beseaLane, betsyweber, bgiltner, Bhaart, bhell13, bi0xid, bibliotech, BigFreaky, bigjim, bigkity, bigtanky, bigwig, Bikini, Bilawal, BillAlexander, BILLHAFT, billrafferty, binderodaemons, birdman, Birdrillard, bitcoder, BlackendRoseThn, blacknaja, BlastWidgets, blawgalicious, bldngnerd, BleuCaldwell, bliptv, bllindgrls, bloggersblog, blogsperu, blondie1405, blowfish, Blu, blubrry, BlueTeddy, Blusfumato, bobbysavage, bodyvisual, bohboh, book_blog, book686, booktwo, boozerpro, bopper, BoredMind, bostonsteamer, boukokudb, bowbrick, bowlofcheese, boyghost, brainofrox, brainopera, brainsmatter, bramhilgersom, branchiopoda, bratinella, bravegirl, BrC, BreakingNewsOn, BrentIrwin, Brero, brett, brettporter, Bri_Tatt, briandewitt, brianhorn, brianshaler, Britt7094, bronwynr, broohaha, bruceboughton, bryan, bryanking, bryanl, bsaitz, btc_toku, Btl, bube, bubu1uk, bullytheLSB, Bumi, bump, bunny_modern, burningprairie, burrito19, bushra, BusouTamachan, busymom6, buta_subuta, ButterNutJelly, BViolet, bwong, byconstance, ByJane, bylunch, byndpdcstng, cafeaulait, caffeined, cafistar, CajunTechie, call1g, callkathy, calmiguori, calon, Calvero, CameoDawn, Cand, captainmidget, cardsagogo, careyheal, carineolivia, carloscaicedo, carlosfusa, carolinekorsten, Carr13221, casspuffy, castor, catepol, CathyG, cattias, caymansite, cazaroonie, cc_chapman, ccarfi, ced, cedorsett, cesarius, cesars, cgardner, cgcampillo, chacopen, chaturanga, chavatore, Cheavor, cheeko, ChefMark, chellyduck, chelpixie, Cheney, cherryPink, cherylcolan, chette, ChicaK, chicheh_qt, chico, chiconuclear, chinaski, chipman78, ChIqUi_0909, chochua, CHoge, Cholie, choochus, ChoralScholar, Chris24, chrisrbailey, Chrissie_m, christian1021, ChrisVanPatten, ChrisWarren, chriswsw92, Chuckumentary, chutayorozu, chutry, CindyB, cinemafreak, cishanjia, cj_mills, CJavan, clari_clyde, clarita82, cleaner, clearheart, cliffordsound, clipeuh, CoconutRyo, CodeJedi, Codepope, CoeCoe, coha, colba, comachibie, comedian, comicbase, commecadujapon, commie, compEyes, computers, comunicati, concentrated, conejo, contrastpodcast, CoreyPud, cote_, Court, Craig_W, craniac, Creativethirst, crfielder, criana, CrisisCris, crispydragon, cristiancontini, Critt, Crouka, cshreiner, ctsonline, cub, Cucharete, CuddlyColin, cummingsl, CutieKim9, CVMINC, cwsaylor, Cyberfrancis, Cyberjuan, Cygnusia, cynfusion, da404lewzer, DaddyOh, daduhmainee, dagomazoro, daisuke, daisylilly, daiusami, dalileo, dallasfreeman, DaMarChis, damegane, Damiana, dancinjul, daniel_voicu, daniele3957, danieledm, DanielTome, danigranatta, daniminas, danivlayar, danmacht, dapoohda, dariogallo, darios, DARKMARATHON, DarleneButts, darth_mall, DaveLaMorte, davewashere, David_W, davidex, davidfinch, davidhogg, DavidHowell, davidlambert, davidorban, Davidous, daxumaming, Dayngr, daysgoon, DBS, dc0de, dcb97, DCmusicfusion, dcwriterdawn, DDog, deadeyes, debra47, deCali, decjr, dedy, deew27, def_shteph, definitelymaybe, deGolf, dekrazee1, deliciousmedia, Delish_Trish, DeltaBunny, denisdanis, derekw, derickson, derrick1792, desaturated, desiReee, deusdiabolus, dev0000, DevalPatrick, DevilBlueDress, dgcr, dhewlett, dialect, diandrawr, diarionocturno, dickey, diegocammarata, Digiguru, digitalArtvark, digitalbear, digitalproject, dilettantekris, discoflamingo, div_conspiracy, Dixi, djackmanson, Djezer, DJosephDesign, dkawalec, dlangendorf, DLPerry, dmbsarah, dmedina, dmotion, DobleD, doctor_gonzo, doctorvee, Dogfaeries, Dogwood, DoK, Dolphy, domat33f, DomenicY, DoneZone, donkey20, donkeyword, donshades, donzy, dotboom, doubleaf, DougH, douglasbass, dougward, Dr_Frunk, Dr_Pill, Dra_Kleine, dragomac1, dragon9, drewolanoff, drikin, drjsp173, drmkng, drtask, drumfactor, dsloys, dstan, dtw1995, dubaonamix, duckn, dungkal, durl, duvalin, DuXtin, Dycacian, Dzzjjj, eazie, ebrito, echolalia, echolink, eclair, ed_x, Eddypedro, edenza, edgizmo, EdiYokota, edstace, eduardo96beav, eersahin, ehan, Eiain, eiei_ooh, Einsamkeit, ejfisher, ekp, eladyland, Elektra, Elenasinh, elizabethhelz, elqudsi, emiwee, EmmaLeigh, emzanotti, energyBLOG, engineheart, entropik, epalacios, epalomeque, epredator, eraser, erikstripparo, erinslibrary, erlend, erraggy, Erromango, esteinar, euri, evacabrera, evandeaubl, evansims, evasofia, Eve1972, Evelyn, evilcutiepie, evilelement, Evorgleb, Exena, Exilein, extramegane, Extremo, exurbanexile, Eyebee, eyelash840, eyepixels, faithlesskat, FANLESS, farouqtaj, Fatty, fauer99, fb_a14, fbabes, fdev, febake, fedhat, feinsinn, felicia, felipenunez, felixker, ferds, fernand0, fetisha, fidaabbott, fidelio, fidjissimo, fiefie, file_604, filmsnob, firefly_n, Firstpenguin, firwgn7, fisch, fitnfun007, Fixya, FiZ, fjkktkys, fjmoto, flasher, flashmech, flatage, fleep, flickguy, float, floyd, floyduk, Flyswatter, fn7, Fogview, foobaar, foodmomiac, fordee, foreveremma, FoRTu, Fotomaf, foulbastard, fran_albarn, FranckLassagne, freakscity, Fredegre, frelkins, FrikiTV, frivmo, frkw1045, fshin2000, fujimaki, Fujisan, fulltimecasual, Fully, funcoder, furina1975, Futoshi, gabrielmansour, gadgets, gagneeric, GAJUU, GalaxyGoo, GamerAndy, gaooh, gaoshier, gar_cia, Garry_Punter, garyking, gash26, gavowan, gaytheologian, GBBarnacles, gboy, gdunn, geekaren, Geezeo, Gen77, genel, Genuine, ggarfield, ghbrett, ghosting, ghostparticle, giallo, giancarlo, Giania, Gilchrist, Giligowla, gillilandboy, giovanni, GitaNurani, Gizfolio, gkojax, glitter_gnome, gnumadic, goblinbox, Greybeard, guapacho, hartamadona, hawaiianbrat96, HighDef, horrabin, hotice, huguito, HuitZiloP, Imnotaduck, jazzychad, jenternational, jerobins, jhonycogollo, jillsodt, joakime, johnedwards, jorg, jorgeandresito, junkdnafiction, Jupe, kambel, Kaptuz, keephead, Kialaya, KKBOX, kmakice, kryan70, ksonney, ladycrumpet, Larry_Pixel, lbroekman, leavemealone347, levasseur08, livingfrisbee, LouiZoot, LovelyFatLady, luge, maggie_be, manfrys, marksees, migpwr, MimiSyaka, mjantzi, mozzer, mwidmann, MyUFO, NatoNeutron, navio, nbr, necotter, Nilros, nonie, okokitsme, ONEContest, onklr, ooObiubiuOooo, Opaq, Overshard, pabloaltclas, panpot, parakmh, pepa, pglyman, philapple, philmang, PurplePeace, PurplePwete, quotesblog, ra_tigan, rabidrobot, Rachelskirts, radamantis, RadHertz, raein, raena, Rafeo, rakeem, rakugaki07, ral, ramblinthoughts, ramcosca, ramipas, ramon_rivera, randelaw, randolfom, randomreviewer, Randou, randyoick, rathersurf, raulandres, RayS, raython, RebeccaInMelb, rechal, RED555, rednerrus, Redrag, redragon, redstar23, reign4aday, rein, RemBeatZ, renice, repserc, restlessecstasy, Reves, rexsan, richi, RichSPK, Ridgerunner, rikimae, rikwuts, Rinchei, ringo134, ringoo, RinoaRyder, rizzn, rjgf, rjorgenson, rjpowell, rjsmith608, rmckillo, rna_bed, robat, robbyedwards, robertnelson, robertodadda, robfindlay, robincarlton, robinwauters, robschendel, roc21, rtDIRECTOR, sanakan, sandieman, SanNakji, saporterfl, Sarebok, sarika, Sarterus, sass, saxdiva, SayAnythingDebe, SayAnythingJen, sca1, scanner_darkly, Scheer, Schmult, schuyler, scifilaura, scm, scmiran, Scobleizer, scolford, scommunity, scoopie77, scottcate, scottiesky, Scottix, scottstead, SD_dejavu, Sea_Jackal, seanoliver, seanote, seco, SecondLifeUsers, secretcameraman, seekground, Seiko_Udoku, seizetheday, sejomagno, Sekvens, Selbelina, Selkt, senmu, serena, Serif, Serra, sevenrosie, Sezwee, shika, ShuffShuff, sic, Sjint, smallduck, sniegas, snsn9pan, soapinmama, soappp, solomon71, somacow, sonmica, sonny_taz, sonsun, soopa, sooziebeaker, sophistishe, soth83, SouthernPirate, soviet_star, soyxana, spaceguy, spacesheep, Spades, spanner, sparkleblsm, sparklette, spartin92, speechmom, SpeedOfDark, spinule, spiritpine, splee, spleffy, Spock, spxds, srta, ssg, sssssscott, stark, startledbunny, Stefigno, stelabouras, stephliu, StereoAlliance, stereotape710, sternie, steveclifforduk, stevegarfield, stevenvanwel, stevepurkiss, steveray, stevewhitaker, stewbagz, stewtopia, stormbtc, storyville, stoweboyd, StrikerObi, Studdeddenim, suave_su, sundog, sunniwendi, SunnyC, sunzofman1, superdry, Sura, Sureal, surpass, susanreynolds, suVene, suzaku, suzukinasake, Sweeet, sweetcorazon, sweetgirlsugar, sweetpeas, sxyblkmn, sydfilmfestival, symbi0se, Symour, Synapse, syoh_xxx, T_Nishi, tabuchid, Tad, taga110, tagedge, tagmos, takahiromashiko, takanakanao, takanakata, Takari27, takasima, Take2_host1, takuman, takuya0301, talkingtomyself, talpa, TamK, tanaby, tangi, tanigon, taper, tatoeba, tatsuya, taughnee, Tavo, Taxaki, tcaruth, TE, teach42, TechDoctor, techkitten, technosailor, teckie, Tecnopalm, teenidol_12, teko, tekusuke, telesilla, Tempest, TemporalSoldier, tendrel, tentatividiauro, tenten_n, tenyjr, Tere_Tere, terminal, TerryBain, tet3, texantiff, teyityan, tfunato, thabenksta, thadius, The_Barnut, theamichrist, TheBeast, TheBlackFin, thecarol, thecommonpeople, thedak, TheDeadlyBishop, thedespair, TheDiva, TheEducatedFool, TheFlyingMonkey, thehun, TheKisho, thelistenerd, TheMadGnome, TheMav, theMisterG, theothermeat, thepolishtwin, therearenorules, TheRevolutionUS, therockmom, TheScreen, TheSwi, TheVerve, thicke, thinkfuture, ThomasaKempis, thrashr888, thunderchld, Thuraya, Thymeless, TikiGirl, timer, timshadel, Tinu, Tjoff, tkbalt, tkmr, tkmrDoro, tknv, tkyyhk, tmcamp, tmo, tnolte, Tobbi, tobybryans, toddcarruth, toddkelley, tokky, tokyoforecast, tokyomxblogtv, TomBolini, tomdecouttere, tomisima, tomiwk, Tommaso, tommy_io, tomo1966, tomoharu, tomokano, tomstar3000, ton3, tonaga, tontowilliams, tonyonahole, tonywu, toonfisch, topstartup, Tora1014, torgorama, toshi_99, Toshiro719, toshmx, totalimmoral, Toughbird, touka, TPMulatto, traaidmark, tracysheridan, TraderZed, Traeonna, TrafficMike, trashionista1, Treogermany, trib, Tristy, trodrigues, Troi, tsmith, tsuki, tsuzumi, TUAW, TulipSwallow, Tupalo, Twendy, twink8686, Twinkie, twitdir, twittan, Twitterflix, twitterscott, twittown, Tydna, tyler_d, typester, tyusingura, TZA, ubertech, ubuntu2007, uiallalla, UK_plus, UKParliament, uky, Ulises, umquat, Umweltyeti, UncleFester, undone, unl33t, unschuldslamm, urbanbohemian, uroburo, useless_man, usrbingeek, uxama, uzulla, vaginasaur, vajra, valdzone, valeehill, valeriecelia, valuz, vanwilder, Veeyawn, verfall, vern, victor_bibies, Videlais, vinceleste, vinuthomas, Virany, visionary_kaede, vivian1986, vonkinder, voornopnaarpop, VoQn, Vorak, vrtnieuwsnet, vt8601a, vveerrgg, wahlee, wakatono, Wallaceh, wam3, wanderingdj, wanderinggypsy, wearingcostumes, weboo, Webtickle, webwench, whatsername, whitespring, whitz, whoorlito, whurley, whyny, wickedlibrarian, Widescreen, Wiggly_Lisa, wilalambre, Will_Scott, willmuto, wilsond, windynorkan, WineNight, wingnut79, winston_76, WiredPig, wisequark, wishful, with_mint, wizard04, wmarcy, WolfenM, wolfmank, WonderfulLove7, Wondermonkey2k, WR276, WuddaWaste, www3408009000it, wxaustin, wxbrighton, wxchicago, wxlondon, wxroma, wxsf, wyctim, wyinoue, wyldeMann, xamlooc, xeetv, xiexie, xoox, xpunkx, xuanprada, xxdesmus, xyour925job, y05k, y4n0, YackLau, yadgana, yamakazz, yamakozawa, yasakani, yaskun, yasnoo, yatz, yazu, ycums, yd_niku, ydubel, yenjan, YiPing, ykhalif22, ylynfatt, Yme, Yo320, YoGeek, yohshee, yoill, yolinh, yongwei, yonki_y_bollera, yosioka, ysano, ysk_type2, ysmkwa, ytesaki, yto, yuichi179cm, yuichy, yujitan, yukarins, yukiikyuta, Yukitaka, yuma, yumori, yuri00x, yvette, yzfdude1, Zakkk, zaldor, zami, zaxer, ze, zechariahs, zeiss, zemote, zenxacred, zergdonuts, Zero_Armada, zhiwhozheyeah, zhizhujing, zianeu, zimmermann, zmei, zolliker, zone41, zoo_on_fire, ztirzo, zu, zukke, zxcvdayo,

The Blue Marble (Negative) 1354 users:

_EL_, _mii, 10MinuteLessons, 16characters, 190east, 1co, 1god, 244mix, 2bctnd, 30ryo, 33pro, 3mz, 5dew, 5OH7, 701u, 76birth, 7KI, a1mega, a2b3, a950063, aagblog, aaiBoek, aanova, Aardvark, aaronpanasbodi, Abettertomorrow, abevigoda, absolutegaogao, AcousticLEX, actiondatsun, actwell, acydlord, Ada_Chow, adamswbrown, adawen, adekayin, Adielr, admarchetti, adobeted, adrants, adriapolis, Adrias, aecr_05, agencyaspen, Agility, agjimenez, AguaSanta, aidg, akame, akela64, akelatal, akiakatsuki, akirafukuoka, akishichiroji, akita_kia, akky_cc, akno, akyao, AlanLB, Albo, Aldo_MT, ale2000, aleks2401, alesjahiro, alex_theberge, alex15, Alex2000Blog, alexanderhayes, alexaoi, alexdeleon, Alexfluxx, alexgothic, Alexis_Murda, alexius, alexj, alexksso, alfonsojimenez, aliasbob, Alice_s_eyes, aljuk, alkemis, AllAxisAjay, allebara, allgreen, allikazoo, almabyte, AlmostaGeek, alpha_zero, alphabunny, alrevez, AlTheSpook, AluminiuM, alvaromagico, alvarouribe, AlxSavage, amachang, Amade, Amaga, amandaegge, amandageddon, amazondeals, amethystmenace, aMmadz, amnesiak1978, amonterc, amy001104, AnamCara, Ancude, andi_B, andie343, andrew987, andrewcilento, andrewpickett, androo, andyb56, andycaster, andycyca, anelsonjr, AngelEyes, AngelFangs, Angie0505, angied, Angmar, angryzenmaster, anibal_k, Animal, anitamartini, ankoumaycry, AnnaB, annahuang, Annene, annievenenosa, anno, AnnOhio, AnotherMaria, anouke, antidis, antiheroine, antithetical, antoinespadoni, antoniocontent, apecsydney2007, apelad, apotheos, appleisapple, aquaangel, aqulos, araleps, Arathaur, Arena_Santiago, ares2000, arfaxad, arica, ariedana, arlodesign, arndjan, arquail, arricivita, arroba, artemary, Artofpaint, arturogarrido, arubenstein, arwen1616, asada_santohei, asami, aseppala, AshLP, ashwithrox, asi_san, Asimon, associee, asuka, atmasphere, Attitude, atwookie, atypicalsnowman, Atzimba, aubkabob, audio, audiomarketing, auntybody, aurecovarrubias, aurey09, Authoress, automatic, autumm393, Avrom, awabihiko, awnisALAN, awoyemia, ayaskant, ayawo528, Ayries, azmr, b_konrad, b2ou6hty, backbeat, badapple, badassturtle, badtmy, BAFAB, bagus_y, bahaw, bakerappa, Bakkel, Bakla, ballistik, banannie7, bancho, baratunde, barbiebergamo, barchtta, baritsu, bart234465, basementrecords, bassguy, Bastet, Basti_S, bazzy, bb0868, bdotnet, beagooddad, BeautyRiche, beauxmots, becariaplaneta, beckxy, bedhead_newall, beinteractive, BenjaminQu, benlatrobe, beny, ber, berenice, berniesworld, BerryCoco, beseaLane, betan, betsyweber, bhakti_blessing, BigFreaky, bigratsgoboom, bigwig, BillAlexander, BILLHAFT, billrafferty, binderodaemons, birdman, Birdrillard, bitcoder, BlackendRoseThn, blackhoppy, blacknaja, blackrabbit, BlastWidgets, bldngnerd, bleu, bliptv, Bloggo, blonde20, blookins, blowfish, blubrry, BlueCipher, BluesBro, BlueTeddy, blurr, blutarsky82, bobbysavage, bobm512z, bodyvisual, bogomo, bohboh, boink, bokura, bollocks, bonelessmonkey, Boogiepanda, book686, booktwo, boozerpro, bopper, bostonsteamer, boukokudb, bowbrick, bowlofcheese, boyghost, braddd, bramhilgersom, bratinella, bravegirl, BrC, BreezeDebris, bren, Brero, brettporter, briandewitt, brianshaler, Britneymason, Britt7094, bronwynr, broohaha, brucery, Brussow, bryanl, bsaitz, bube, Bumi, bump, bunny_modern, burningprairie, bushra, ButterNutJelly, BuzzFeed, bwong, byconstance, ByJane, bykyc, bytehead, c525600, Cadill, cafistar, caives2004, CajunTechie, Calbee, CaleM, callkathy, calon, cameijei, camellia, CameoDawn, camkin, CampfireMike, Cand, captainmidget, caribou, carineolivia, carloscaicedo, carlosfusa, carolinekorsten, casasroger, casastorta, castor, cat3, catenerve, CatnipToy, cattias, catzpaw, caymansite, cbee, ccarfi, ccwii, Cecilec, ced, cedorsett, CedricD, Ceedee, Celi, cesarius, cesars, chacopen, chaturanga, Cheavor, cheeko, ChefMark, chelpixie, cherryPink, cherylcolan, chette, chicco, chiconuclear, chiehz, chikache, chipman78, ChIqUi_0909, Chisa_Miw, chochua, chocomoo, CHoge, choisirtoujours, cholutions, choochus, chrislerch, chrisnixon, chrispirillo, chrisrbailey, Christianarchy, ChristianTheDoc, christinadalton, ChrisVanPatten, ChrisWarren, chriswsw92, Chuckumentary, chuise, churakko, chutry, ciela, cinemafreak, cinemaminima, cishanjia, citymuse, cj_mills, CJavan, cjtengi, clari_clyde, clash, ClassicStarts, cleaner, clipeuh, clipmarks, clxybell, coaster1robert, CoeCoe, cogentdiversion, coha, coldgin, comachibie, comedian, comicbase, compEyes, compwoman, ComuComu, concentrated, conej, conejo, conniereece, contrastpodcast, coquedesigns, CoreyPud, corpus_ct, corvus_elrod, CorySorice, coumedayu, countess_mc, covaner999, Craig_W, CraigN, craniac, CrazyKika, crazyqbygrl, CreativeSage, crfielder, criana, Crickee, CrisisCris, cristiancontini, Critter, crysora, crystalstayton, cswilly, ctb, ctsonline, cub, Cucharete, CuddlyColin, cummingsl, cunningminx, CutieKim9, CUVOTA, CVMINC, Cyberbougnat, cyberespia, Cyberfrancis, Cyberjuan, CyberMJ75, Cybersoc, cyberworld, cylindrian, Cythro, czgab, d_k, DaddyOh, daduhmainee, dagdamfyno, dagomazoro, dahowlett, dailyflier_com, daisylilly, daiusami, dakegra, Dakiny, dalileo, dallasfreeman, DaMarChis, damegane, damex, dancinjul, Dani_Buddy, daniele3957, danieljohnsonjr, danielmorrison, danielphillip, DanielTome, danigranatta, danivlayar, dapoohda, darablue, DARKMARATHON, DarkTetsuya, darkwing1876, darthlaurian, data, dataangel, dave_robinson, davewashere, davidex, davidfinch, davidhogg, davidleeking, davidorban, Davidous, davidsn, DavidWard, davorg, daxumaming, Dayngr, DBPNonline, dcb97, dccrowley, DCmusicfusion, dcolanduno, dcwriterdawn, debolsillo, debra47, deew27, dekrazee1, deliciousmedia, delineas, Delish_Trish, DElyMyth, democracy2_0, denied, derrick1792, desaturated, desi_fubu, designworks, desiReee, dev0000, DevalPatrick, DevilBlueDress, devinjay, dff2, dgcr, dhettema, diarionocturno, Digiguru, digiscrapmom, digitalArtvark, digitalproject, dislp38, div_conspiracy, djsnipa1, dkawalec, dlangendorf, dlayphoto, DLPerry, dmbsarah, dmotion, DocSynth, doctor_gonzo, DoctorMonique, doctorvee, Dogfaeries, dogwalkin, Dogwood, DoK, dokon, Dolphy, DomenicY, don_panse, DoneZone, donzy, dotndash, doubleaf, DoubleDutch, doudemoii, DougH, dougward, downloadsquad, Dr_Pill, Dra_Kleine, dragomac1, dragon9, drakulon, Dramagirl, DraStudio, dreamer_kylie95, drewdomkus, drikin, drinkgoodtea, driversdrive, drjones42, drjsp173, drmkng, droolingmonkey, drtask, druaga, dsloys, dssolveinlove, dtw1995, DuckyLove, dungkal, durky, durl, dustinj, DuXtin, Dzzjjj, EaonP, eazie, ebertek, echolalia, echolink, eclair, ed_x, Eddypedro, edgizmo, EdiYokota, Edroos, edstace, EdTv, eduardo96beav, edwin761, efrain, eggraphix, ehan, Eiain, eiei_ooh, ejfisher, eladyland, ElBueno, eLd0raDo, Elektra, Elenasinh, elgeffe, elgolfo, elishebha, elizabethhelz, elleryq, elmare, elmorsa, eloehfelm, eloyola, elsamurai, Emm, EmmaLeigh, EmperorAnton, emzanotti, energyBLOG, enmdo, epalacios, epredator, equinox79, eraser, ErbVillage, erikstripparo, erikuma, erincarter, ERK, erlend, ernohannink, erykaj, EsponV, esteinar, estrategy, euri, evandeaubl, evansims, Eve1972, Evelyn, Eveting, evilelement, evilspock, evn, Evorgleb, ewynn, Exena, extramegane, extremesenior, Extremo, Eyebee, eyepixels, faithlesskat, fangrrl, faroffplanet, farouqtaj, Fashiontribes, Fatty, fb_a14, fba, fbueno_net, fdev, fedhat, feinsinn, Felisse, ferds, ferhmo, fernand0, fidaabbott, fiefie, fifnel, file_604, firefly_n, fisch, fitnfun007, Fixya, FiZ, fizhburn, fjkktkys, fla, flasher, flashmech, flatage, fleep, flickguy, float, florecita, flutterby3, fn7, Fogview, foobaar, foolishisms, fordee, FoRTu, Fotomaf, foulbastard, Fournelo, fran_albarn, frankarr, freakscity, Fredegre, frelkins, FrikiTV, frivmo, frkw1045, frozentruth, fshin2000, fuelmyblog, fuji406, fujicco, fujikosan, fujinoki, Fujisan, fulltimecasual, Fully, furakutaru, furina1975, Futoshi, fuyoh, gabopagan, gabrielleadams, gabrielmansour, gachimaya, gadgets, GAL_TONKATSU, Gandhu, gaooh, gar_cia, GaragePunk, gardenclogs, garyking, GaTechSavvy, GBBarnacles, gboy, GearLive, Geek_Kittie, geekbert, geekparrot, geekygirlygirl, Geezeo, Gen77, germen, gervis, gerwitz, geuro, ghbrett, ghostparticle, Giania, Gilchrist, Giligowla, giropa832, gisiger, GitaNurani, Givitago, Gizfolio, gkojax, glitchkitty, glitter_gnome, gnakan, gnb, gnumadic, googoltwn, guapacho, hartamadona, hawaiianbrat96, HighDef, horrabin, hotice, HuitZiloP, IndieFlix, isopixel, jenternational, jerobins, jillsodt, johnedwards, kambel, keephead, kmakice, kraebsli, kryan70, ksonney, lbroekman, leavemealone347, levasseur08, lisaw, livingfrisbee, LouiZoot, luisraa, maccise, maggie_be, MAREXdesign, marksees, MdLawLib, migpwr, MimiSyaka, mwidmann, MyUFO, naterkane, navio, nbr, necotter, nisti2, nonie, okokitsme, onklr, ooObiubiuOooo, otsune, p0ps, panpot, parakmh, pepa, Peppery, pglyman, philmang, PressAbout, programwitch, PurplePeace, ra_tigan, rabidrobot, Rachelskirts, radamantis, raena, Rafeo, Raggi, raitu, raj712, rakugaki07, ral, ramipas, ramon_rivera, randolfom, randomreviewer, RandomTroy, Randou, randrade, Randy_Thomas, randyoick, RaseriSjel, raulandres, RawSushi, RayMck, RayS, rcopeh, RebeccaInMelb, ReBeckyMX, rechal, reddognight, redefining, rednerrus, Redrag, redragon, redswingline, ReepPT, rein, restlessecstasy, reversecowgirl, RexyInc, rhadaway, RichSPK, richstyles, rickcurran, RickdeKikker, Ridgerunner, rikaizm, rikimae, riku, rikwuts, rikyrasca, ringo134, ringoo, RinoaRyder, RISC14, ritanila, rizzn, rjgf, rjpowell, rjsmith608, rmckillo, rna_bed, robat, robbyedwards, robertnelson, robertodadda, robinwauters, robliberal, robschendel, roc21, sanakan, sandieman, sandtree, SanNakji, sarika, sarkera, Sarterus, sasakipochi, sass, sassysonya, SatiricPacifist, SayAnythingDebe, SayAnythingJen, sblanco, Scheer, Schmult, schuyler, scifilaura, scm, scmiran, scommunity, scoopie77, scor24pio, scottiesky, Scottix, scottstead, SD_dejavu, seanosteen, seanote, SebastianX, seco, seekhim17, Seiko_Udoku, Sekvens, Selene, selliebee, senmu, serafaery, sevenrosie, Sezwee, sfgabe, shane, shika, sic, skram, smokeymonkey, snazzit, sniegas, snowgoose, soapinmama, soappp, sodamachine, SOKEY, solnaranja, solomon71, SomaCowGeoff, somerandomdude, SomersetBob, Sonikcycle, sonny_taz, sonsun, soopa, soosan, sooziebeaker, soth83, soviet_ninja, soviet_star, soyxana, SpaceyG, sparkleblsm, sparklette, spartin92, speechmom, spiderqueen, spiritpine, Spitje, splee, spleffy, splinter98, Spock, srta, srternasco, sssssscott, st3phen, startledbunny, stepanov, stephwebster, StereoAlliance, steveclifforduk, stevejay, stevenvanwel, stevepurkiss, steveray, stewtopia, stockwellb, storiedime, StrikerObi, Strufuluffina, suadd, subcircle, sugarytea, suishoo, sumotv, sundog, SunkIsland, SunnyC, sunnystarr, sunzofman1, Sureal, surfmonkey89, surpass, susanreynolds, suzaku, Svumpukkel, swanlike, sweetcorazon, sweetgirlsugar, sweetpeas, syaki, sydfilmfestival, Sylvia638, symbi0se, Symour, Synapse, Syo_tan, syoh_xxx, T_Nishi, tabuchid, Tad, Tadaki, taga110, tagedge, Takachan, takagiyu, takahiromashiko, takamiu, takanakanao, takaoka, takasima, Take2_host1, takerui, talpa, tanigon, taniq, tapuo, Tavo, Taxaki, techchickblogr, TechDoctor, techkitten, technosailor, teckie, Tecnopalm, Teevio, telene, telesilla, temo, TemporalSoldier, tendrel, tentatividiauro, teraminato, Tere_Tere, terminal, TerryBain, tet3, tewmgd, texantiff, The_Barnut, the_butterfly, TheBlackFin, thedespair, TheDiva, TheDSK, TheEducatedFool, TheFlyingMonkey, thegreenhead, theH, thelistenerd, thelittlestsifu, TheMadGnome, theMisterG, theothermeat, therockmom, TheSatch, TheSenator, TheVerve, thisisthechris, ThoughtSparks, thunderchld, Thymeless, tigerbeat, TikiGirl, timer, TimKing, timwoolsey, tiny_ian, tirana, Tjardick, Tjoff, tkbalt, tkmr, tkmrDoro, tkyyhk, tmcamp, tmiller, tmo, tmorton1111, Tobbi, tobsoya, toddcarruth, tokky, tokyoforecast, tomikura, tomisima, tomity, Tommaso, tomo1966, tomokano, tontowilliams, tonywu, toonfisch, topgold, toppachaps, Tora1014, torawo, toshmx, totoon, toturou, toubanjan, Toughbird, touka, toyohara, tracysheridan, Traeonna, trapstar, trashionista1, treeee, trentono, Treogermany, trib, trina, Tristy, trmac, trodrigues, trojanavenger, Trooper, tsmith, tsuki, tsumoi, tsuzumi, TUAW, tunakichi, Tunis, Tupalo, turedure_sado, turoczy, twila_zoned, twink8686, twitdir, twittan, twitterbowlen, Twitterflix, TwitterLit, twittown, Tydna, typester, TZA, tzz, ubertech, ubuntu2007, uiallalla, UK_plus, UKParliament, ukran1987, Ulises, umairsalam, Umazura, umquat, Umweltyeti, UncleFester, unocontodo, unschuldslamm, urawakun, uroburo, useless_man, UstreamTV, uxama, vaginasaur, valdzone, valeriecelia, valuz, vanwilder, veadar, verfall, vergil66, vern, vfranklyn, victor_bibies, victoria0918, Videlais, vinuthomas, Virany, vista, vivevans, vonkinder, voornopnaarpop, VoQn, vorbiser, vrogy, vrtnieuwsnet, vt8601a, VTWthrGrl, waajeed3, wahlee, WakingBeauty, Wallaceh, wanderingdj, waynesutton, Webkarma, Webtickle, webwench, weesimon, wella, whatsername, white_devil, whoorlito, wickedlibrarian, Widescreen, Wiggly_Lisa, wilalambre, wildercat, Will_Scott, willrix, willwade, wilsond, windynorkan, WineNight, Wingman_0221, wingnut79, winston_76, WiredPig, wishful, with_mint, wjhicks, WolfenM, wolfmank, Wopalockapino, wtbw, wulf_eh, wxaustin, wxbrighton, wxchicago, wxlondon, wxroma, wxsf, wyctim, wyinoue, wyldeMann, xamlooc, xeruno, xiexie, Xoconostle, xoder, xoox, xuxumu, y_keiko, y05k, YackLau, YahairaRD, yamakozawa, Yaraher, yaraicho, yasakani, yaskun, yasnoo, yay4pie, yazu, ycums, yd_niku, ydubel, yehwan, yenjan, ykhalif22, ylynfatt, ym, YNE, yohshee, yoill, yolinh, yonki_y_bollera, you27, youNEWB, ysano, ysk_type2, ysmkwa, yuichi_komi, yuichi179cm, yuichy, yujitan, yukarins, yuko_twitter, yukoinosaka, yukotan, yuma, yupppi, yuri00x, yvette, Yxes, zakame, Zakkk, zami, zaren, zaxer, ze, zeiss, zemlanin, zemote, zenchaos, ZenonFeicht, zenx, zenxacred, Zero_Armada, zh, zhangbaozz, zhaoman, zhiwhozheyeah, zhizhujing, Ziese52, zmei, zolliker, zone41, zoo_on_fire, zu, zukke, zuwiki, zxcvdayo

Posted by twitter_mosaic, filed under Mosaics. Date: July 6, 2007, 8:19 pm | Traceback|

28 Responses

  1. Daniele DM Says:

    Great work! And it’s crazy i know, but i found myself on it

  2. Kathy Jacobs Says:

    FOund myself in the regular one.. Still looking to see if I am in the ngative… I am in row 3, about column 25 - three over from Ms. BetsyWeber!

  3. Kathy Jacobs Says:

    And I found myself in the other one too… towards the bottom of the moon.

    TwiterMosiac… this is way too much fun for a Friday evening!

  4. alphabunny Says:

    I absolutely love these almost as much as i love being in them. I have yet to find myself. I change my avatars way too often to even guess which to look for. Thanks so much!

  5. Susan Reynolds Says:

    So glad to be included with 1300 of my dearest fellow twitter peeps :^)

  6. floyd Says:

    Hey found myself to, I see floyduk is using it also. Twitter Mosiac is rockin.

  7. zianeu Says:

    I found me! It’s like where’s Waldo.

    Thanks, that’s so cool.

  8. Chef Mark Says:

    Thanks for including me!

  9. taughnee Says:

    super cool!

  10. daniel Says:

    i love these, and they are getting better!!

  11. Alex Maccise Says:

    Very nice!

  12. spinule Says:

    i found myself in the original one, this is a really nice work, i love it!!

  13. Frozen Truth » I Am the World Says:

    […] Twitter user icons and forms large mosaics with them. I was included in the most recent creation, The Blue Marble, and can be found in the 13th icon of the top row of the negative version, if you care to […]

  14. doubleaf Says:

    I found myself!!!

  15. amin Says:

    thank you ! very cool.

  16. unschuldslamm Says:

    ha, found myself in both pictures! really nice work - thanks for using me! ;)

  17. TheDSK Says:

    …there I am!! Very awesome!! :D!

  18. kit Says:

    Thanks for putting me in the mosaic….love it… :-D

  19. Will Blog For Yarn » How cool Says:

    […] I got a direct message telling me I am in the newest Twitter Mosaic. […]

  20. bushra Says:

    love these! spotted mine quite a few times.

  21. document.write("Markus Tressl"); Says:

    TwitterMosaic — Viele Twitter-Avatare als Bild

    TwitterMosaic ist eine coole Idee, wie aus vielen Avataren — in diesem Fall von Twitter — ein grosses Bild als Mosaik generiert werden kann. Dabei werden die Farbwerte der Avatare berechnet und an S…

  22. Soviet Star Says:

    I found myself… great mosaic!

  23. Les Zaldor Says:

    Thanks for using my icon! I found it near the bottom center! Very cool! :)

  24. ONE Condoms Says:

    This is great. How much time must this take?!

  25. Nick Schmidt Says:

    I got this from twitter too..
    where is my pic?can you help point me out in the negative pic?

    Nick Schmidt
    aka. Schmult

  26. Nick Schmidt Says:

    nevermind . I found myself twice in there!! WOO HOOO!!

  27. Randy Thomas Says:

    Where in the World?

    Click on the image to go to the blogger/twitter-er who actually made the above mosaic. There you can click on a version you can zoom in on if you know how. This mosaic is amazing but I don’t have the

  28. tzz Says:

    Thanks for including me!

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